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Hotwire Hotel Search

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    Why Name Your Own Zone?
    Some Hotwire zones may be too large and you risk getting a hotel that is too far from where you want to stay. With 'Name Your Own Zone' you can customize a zone for the exact location you want to stay.
    If there are hotels in the zone that you want to avoid, easily customize a zone that does not include these hotels.
    Create a zone that only includes the specific hotel that you are looking for.
    Our searches use different technology than a typical Hotwire search and frequently offers hotels that do not appear when searching directly at Hotwire!
    How it Works:
    1) enter your city, dates, number of rooms, etc in the search box above
    2) drag the map to the area you want to stay and click the DRAW icon
    3) create a zone with any shape you want, as an example:
    4) hotels available for purchase within your custom zone will be shown in a list under the map